Simple Tips to Keep Your Eyesight Strong as You Age


Simple Tips to Keep Your Eyesight Strong as You AgeGrowing older can bring changes. One common shift is vision quality. At Mountain Plaza Assisted Living, we are committed to helping seniors with these changes. Here’s a helpful guide with tips to keep your eyesight strong and healthy:


  1. Stay Active

Exercising not only keeps your body fit, but it also helps keep your vision intact. Regular exercise can delay age-related macular degeneration—the primary cause of irreversible vision loss in older people.


  1. Get Regular Eye Checks

As we grow older, regular eye checks become more critical. These medical eye exams can detect dangerous maladies like diabetes even before they cause notable symptoms. If there’s any change in your vision or if your eyes get injured, seek your optometrist’s help immediately.


  1. Wear Sunglasses

Even on cloudy days, you need to shield your eyes from the harmful UV radiation from the sun. Always wear your sunglasses when you go outdoors.


  1. Regulate Screen Time

Continuous screen exposure can strain your eyes. Use the 20-20 rule for healthy eyes: take a 20-second break from your screen every 20 minutes.


  1. Eat Healthily

A diet rich in fruits, leafy greens, and omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of dry eyes, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. 


  1. Stay Hydrated

If you don’t drink enough water, you could hinder the production of tears, which are needed to keep your eyes nourished. Lubricating eye drops can supplement your natural tears.


By following these tips, you can ensure that your eyes, like the rest of you, age gracefully. At Mountain Plaza Assisted Living, we are devoted to providing necessary resources for your eye health. Here’s to making your golden years truly golden and thriving!



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