Stay Safe and Warm All Winter with These Tips


Stay Safe and Warm All Winter with These TipsWinters in Wyoming can be tough, but at Mountain Plaza Assisted Living, we know how to keep our residents safe and snug. Below, we have put together a selection of winter safety tips and indoor activities that are particularly suited to assisted living in Wyoming


First and most crucial: Dress warmly. The secret here is layering. Start with a base layer of thermal underwear, which holds body heat close to the skin. Add a mid-layer, such as a fleece or wool sweater, for extra insulation. Then, top it off with a wind- and water-proof outer layer coat. Don’t skimp on thick socks, gloves, and a beanie either. These help prevent potential cold-related health issues like hypothermia and frostbite. Yet, let’s remember that it’s just as important to stay cool — overheating can also lead to problems.


At Mountain Plaza Assisted Living, foot safety takes priority too. Icy sidewalks and parking lots are a common challenge of Wyoming’s winter. Therefore, non-slip shoes are a must, assisting in preventing slips or falls. 


In addition to winter-wear tips, staying safe in the colder months also involves avoiding exposure to harsh winter elements as much as possible. This links us to another essential aspect – meaningful indoor activity.


We at Mountain Plaza Assisted Living provide a variety of recreational activities to engage residents without the need to step outdoors. Board games, movie nights, reading nooks, and art-and-craft sessions are popular amongst residents. Maintaining an active social life is key to both mental and physical health. 


Even more, we also encourage group fitness activities. Gentle yoga or chair exercise classes are remarkable ways to help residents stay warm and fit. After all, regular exercise improves blood circulation, necessary for regulating body temperature effectively.


Eating warm foods and staying hydrated are also vital. Our dining team ensures nutritious and comforting winter menus, filled with hot soups, casseroles, and warming beverages. 


By understanding the Wyoming winter and implementing these strategies, we ensure our residents experience the winter season as simply another occasion for safety, comfort, and fun. Staying cozy and safe in the Wyoming winter is top priority at Mountain Plaza Assisted Living, we specialize in making our residents’ lives as comfortable as possible.



At Mountain Plaza Assisted Living, our focus is on enriching our residents’ lives through engaging activities and delivering individualized care. Contact us today to discover what makes our community truly exceptional.